If you want to be customer centric, you have to take their walk.

The Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in Palo Alto, CA is redefining customer centricity. The entire hospital experience is viewed from a child's perspective, a sick child’s perspective. Think for a moment, if you were one of these kids, afraid and in pain, what’s something you’d want? You’d probably want to be distracted from all the … Continue reading If you want to be customer centric, you have to take their walk.

Journey maps are good but teaching a way to think might be better.

We hear a lot about customer journey mapping these days, and, at risk of irritating many of my friends in the customer experience industry, I have to admit I’ve grown tired of it taking over so much of the customer experience discussion. If you listen to much of the dialogue, you might think journey mapping … Continue reading Journey maps are good but teaching a way to think might be better.

The customer experience is more than you think and there’s an opportunity in considering that.

The customer experience.  Is it just everything the customer experiences with your business or is it something more?  I’m going to go with something more. Most businesses, at least the ones who are enlightened enough to understand and recognize it, see the customer experience only as the customer’s experience with their company.  However, as customer … Continue reading The customer experience is more than you think and there’s an opportunity in considering that.