Job done means more than job done.

One critical thing all customers want is to get the job done they came for. 

And while this sounds easy enough, it is critical to understand that it means more than just job done. It is not just accomplishing a task and making a transaction. 

Think about a surgeon. Is job done just completing the surgery or is it the patient getting better? How about a food server in a restaurant? Is job done getting the food on the table or is it creating a lifelong memory of the guests’ wedding anniversary?

Job done is more than just handing over the burger, it’s understanding that that burger is a gateway to something more, something meaningful. Maybe it’s a fun night out with the kids. Maybe it’s a brief respite out of the office to ease the stress of a hard day. Or maybe it’s a lasting memory of a departed loved one who loved burgers at this particular place. 

What people come for is rarely the only reason they are there. What we see is a superficial purchase while what we don’t see is the larger why. 

The customer may have come to get a widget, but adding care and hospitality is what makes it human. And making it human shows you value more than a transaction. It shows you value them. And valuing them makes a connection to their deeper why. 

The best providers know this and stand out. The others are okay with mediocrity. 

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