Want your business to be known for great service? You’ll need a balanced approach.

In just about any human endeavor, there are two dimensions at work. One is objective—elements that are black/white, yes/no, 1/0, and are easily measured and managed—while the other is subjective—these are the elements that are not easily measured like emotions, feelings, and behaviors.  This set up fits with how our brains work. As Daniel Kahneman … Continue reading Want your business to be known for great service? You’ll need a balanced approach.

Why leaders should stop trying to be heroes and what to do instead.

Leaders solve problems, they also—should—help the people following them solve problems. However, many of them don’t so much help as they jump in and take over. It’s that overwhelming leadership urge to be hero rather than helpful guide gently steering them to useful solutions. This heroic urge impacts just about everyone, and as much as … Continue reading Why leaders should stop trying to be heroes and what to do instead.

Want to make a difference? Try manners.

Civility, courtesy, and manners are severely lacking in our world today. Here are five behaviors we can practice to lead change. Consideration – Taking time to see others and take into account their needs and feelings is an invaluable relationship skill.  Consideration of others affirms their basic human value and shows respect. Using Please and … Continue reading Want to make a difference? Try manners.