There are three types of employees, but only one will get you where you want to go.

There are three types of employees. The disengaged, indifferent ones, the minimally-engaged, compliant ones, and the fully-engaged, committed ones. The indifferent have to be told what to do, the compliant do what they know to do, and the committed take initiative, create art, and move things. The indifferent are there for themselves. The compliant are … Continue reading There are three types of employees, but only one will get you where you want to go.

Some measures are just bad for business.

Customer service departments—a name I abhor, but that’s for another post—need to stop measuring. Putting rules—they're actually limits—around call times and setting goals for the number of tickets handled does not help customers, it just turns them into faceless numbers. Customers are not problems, they are people with problems. Making them into a number on … Continue reading Some measures are just bad for business.