There are dangers in focusing so much on science that you miss the art.

I read a blog post by Ozan Varol (it was originally published in December of 2022) and it resonated with me. If you don’t know him, Varol is an astrophysicist turned inspirer (that’s the best term I could come up with to describe what he does). Anyway, the post is a great expansion on the … Continue reading There are dangers in focusing so much on science that you miss the art.

Mark Miller says Culture Rules and I could not agree more. BOOK REVIEW: Culture Rules by Mark Miller

Aspiration. I define it as what you want to be or what you feel called to become. Mark Miller defines it as the hopes and dreams for your culture. While these two definitions may have slight differences, both look to the future and a desire to be the best you can be, and it is … Continue reading Mark Miller says Culture Rules and I could not agree more. BOOK REVIEW: Culture Rules by Mark Miller

The thing that has most crippled business and why we need to move on.

If you were to ask me the biggest thing that has crippled workplaces today, it would be Milton Friedman’s 1970 assertion that “the purpose of business is to generate profits.” In modern parlance, this idea has been labeled shareholder value theory. Why, you may ask, is this idea so damaging? What exactly has this thinking … Continue reading The thing that has most crippled business and why we need to move on.