Businesses all want customer loyalty, yet many do not repay the favor. Don’t be them.

The promissory tie that binds for kids, the pinky swear. Loyalty. Ask most business owners if they want customer loyalty and the likely answer would be, yes. The thing is, do they know what loyalty means and do they understand their part in it? According to the dictionary, loyalty means a strong feeling of support … Continue reading Businesses all want customer loyalty, yet many do not repay the favor. Don’t be them.

Window dressing is not the answer for improving experiences, but here are four meaningful steps that are.

I have been hearing a lot lately about car dealers who have added coffee bars and free manicures to their dealerships. That all sounds nice but is that what customers want? While all those niceties are, well, nice, they are only window dressing unless the overall experience is great. From the marketing to the environment … Continue reading Window dressing is not the answer for improving experiences, but here are four meaningful steps that are.

Are your surveys customer-centric? Many are not and that’s a problem.

Surveys, surveys, surveys. I am sure you get them; I know I do. And I think it is likely that, like most people I know, you delete most of them, unless of course someone or some company has done something outstandingly good or bad. This is just one problem with surveys. They tend to get … Continue reading Are your surveys customer-centric? Many are not and that’s a problem.